Can refugees from Ukraine submit a Wlz application?

No, this is not possible. Long-term care for Ukrainian refugees is generally offered by municipal authorities, under the Health Insurance Act (in Dutch: Zorgverzekeringswet or Zvw) or the Social Support Act (in Dutch: Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning or Wmo). If a refugee needs long-term care that cannot be offered by a municipal authority, and needs to be admitted to a care institution, then the associated costs will be paid for under the Regulation on Medical Care for Ukranians (in Dutch: Regeling voor Medische Zorg aan Oekraïers (RMO)). An indication for Wlz residential care by the Bender organization can be made via the RMO. The GP or care provider involved can request the indication from Bender. The RMO website contains a form that a healthcare provider can complete to submit the request to Bender. There is no personal contribution and no deductible.

Click here to read more about healthcare for Ukrainian refugees.